Nazareth College is proud to welcome international students into its learning community, and has successfully established a thriving program to provide full support to our international students.

Important Information

Enrolment Process


Nazareth College works with the International enrolment platform, Enroller. 

Please visit the following links to view our profile, express your interest or apply directly. 


Nazareth College is an education provider registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) under CRICOS Provider Number 01097M. CRICOS registration guarantees that the course and the education provider meet the high standards necessary for overseas students.

Protection of International Students

The Australian Government wants overseas students in Australia to have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study. Australia’s laws promote quality in education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the ESOS framework and they include the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code 2018.

It is important that students are aware of their rights and responsibilities under the ESOS framework before accepting an education provider’s offer of a place and forwarding their fees. Students can find their rights and responsibilities in the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001.

Students can find their rights and responsibilities on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) page

Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC)

From 1 July, 2010, students must obtain Overseas Student Health Cover for the proposed duration of their student visa. This requirement is effective for those who apply for a student visa after this date.

For further information please refer to the Department of Immigration & Citizenship (DIAC) website at


Nazareth College organises and supports international student accommodation with carefully selected homestay families (Homestay).

Homestay can be a rewarding and interesting experience for both students and families.  It provides international students with an opportunity to better understand life in Australia within a welcoming and safe environment while families and households can enjoy the cultural exchange, the satisfaction of supporting a young person or simply companionship.

The College has a number of experienced and successful Homestay hosts who along with the Homestay Coordinator support international students and families new to the Homestay experience. The students are carefully matched and monitored closely during their time at Nazareth College.

Students pay a weekly Homestay fee of $350 while in residence and a small holding fee for periods of extended absence.

International Agents

Nazareth College has several agents providing service for international students.


AGS Advance Global Study
Contact: Ann Nguyen 
Address: 1/50 Kitchener Parade, Bankstown, NSW 2200
Phone:  0414 003 498

AIDE Education and Migration
Contact: Kate Yang
Address: Level 3/326 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: 03 9620 4888

AUSWIN International Group
Contact: Wei Wei
Address: Suite 509, Level 5, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 (0) 410 829 188  or  +61 (0) 3 9670 9182

Frontier Planning International
Contact: Marilyn Chen
Address: Suite 1004A, 125 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 (0) 3 9912 7089
Region: Taiwan / Australia 

Contact: Lena Du
Address: Ground Floor/310 King Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia
Phone: +61 (0) 3 8626 9300
Region: Vietnam / Australia 

OZ Pathways
Contact: Elsa
Address: Unit 1/10 Stamford Cres, Rowville, VIC 3178  Australia
Phone: (+84) 76 565 5055
Region: Vietnam / Australia 

SET Education
Contact: Quynh Doan
Address: Suite 212, Level 2/343 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone:  +61 (0) 3 8589 2402
Region: Vietnam / Australia 

IDP Cambodia
Contact: Vothana Chhoeury
Address: #896, High School Road, Wat Bo Village, Sala Kamreuk Commune, Siem Reap
Phone: (+855) 63 964 321
Region: Cambodia

Da Di Overseas Studies Service Centre
Contact: Winny Lee
Address: Hong KONG, Mong Kok, Nathan Rd, 700 Nathan Road Kowloon Hong Kong
Phone: (+852) 2314 8312
Region: Hong Kong

Super Red Education & Training Centre
Contact: Cathy Cheung
Address: Room 1104, 11/F, Si Hai Building, 208-212 Nathan Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong 
Phone: (+852) 3105 2961 / 2
Region: Hong Kong

Avenue to Success (ATS)
Contact: Ngan Nguyen
Address: Branch 1: 6th Floor, 55 Truong Quoc Dung, Ward 10, Phu Nhuan District, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 28  39 333 266
Region: Vietnam

OZ Pathways
Contact: Elsa
Address: 296 Thanh Con, Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 76 565 5055
Region: Vietnam / Australia 

SET Education
Contact: Quynh Doan
Address: Suite 212, Level 2/343 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone:  +61 (0) 3 8589 2402
Region: Vietnam / Australia 

Frontier Planning International
Contact: Marilyn Chen
Address: 2F-2, No.23, Sec.1, – Hangzhou South Road, Fu-Chien, Taiwan
Phone:  +886 (2) 2321-2406
Region: Taiwan / Australia 

CRICOS Provider No: 01097m

Nazareth college’s International Student Program has been designed in accordance with the ESOS legislative framework (ESOS framework) to ensure that the college complies with its legal and regulatory requirements, provides quality education, and supports the integrity of Australia’s student visa program.  

The College is committed to compliance with the National Code of practice for education and training to overseas students 2018 (the national code).

The National Code is a set of nationally consistent standards that govern the protection of overseas students and delivery of courses to those students by providers registered with CRICOS – the commonwealth register of institutions and courses for overseas students.

More information can be accessed through the following sites:

Enrolling a child at Nazareth College is an attractive option for many international families, as the academic and spiritual opportunities are of an excellent standard. Each student accepted into the program is matched with a local homestay family, who provide accommodation, meals and a comfortable environment to live in during their education at the College.

The College has a comprehensive orientation and welcoming program for all new international students, which runs in the first week of the students’ arrival in Australia. Each student is welcomed at the airport and transported to the College, where the homestay families are waiting to meet and become acquainted with their homestay student. Each student then travels to their homestay accommodation, and settles in to familiarise themselves with their surroundings. The following day, students return to the College to share morning tea, and tour the College grounds and facilities. Students meet a number of Nazareth staff members and also their student ‘buddy’, a friendly and approachable student the international student can turn to for advice and assistance in adjusting to College life. College uniforms are fitted for the students, and a briefing session is held to inform students of College policies and procedures.

The College has an International Education Coordinator who oversees the smooth transition of all international students into their studies within the Nazareth learning community, and also assists with the provision of support services for all international students. The Coordinator liaises regularly with international students to monitor their progress both academically and socially, and is available at all times to assist with any challenges a student may experience in school or their homestay. The College Counsellor is also available to help work through any issues of concern to the students, and works in close contact with the International Education Coordinator when necessary. The International Education Coordinator can be contacted at all times by both students and their respective homestay families in case of a serious concern or challenge that may arise outside of school hours, to ensure each student’s wellbeing and safety are maintained at all times.

The College maintains regular contact with each student’s family overseas to keep parents well informed and updated on their child’s academic progress and overall wellbeing.

Our international students are integral to the rich and valued cultural heritage which we are so privileged to enjoy at Nazareth.

For assistance with the

  • Nazareth College International Student Program Policies and Procedures
  • Application forms
  • Terms and Conditions for Enrolment
  • Fee information
  • Any other enquiry

please contact the Enrolment Registrar

or phone +61 3 9795 8100

Student Support

The student body at Nazareth College has a diverse and celebrated range of cultural backgrounds within the learning community, and the College strives to ensure that all students are able to achieve their personal best both academically and spiritually.

The term ‘new arrival’ is used to include students who have recently arrived in Australia with a language background other than English and who enrol at the College.

Students whose first language is not English are given access to a range of services that enrich their learning opportunities within the classroom setting, to ensure that a language barrier does not hinder their progress.

After spending time at an English-language learning centre studying an intensive English program, students are introduced into the mainstream Nazareth learning community. Where appropriate, students study English as Another Language (EAL) as part of their core curriculum studies as an alternative to mainstream English. Students are also provided with in-class support to assist in the development of language specific to each subject’s curriculum.

Staff monitor students closely to ensure that their language skills are sufficient to enhance optimal learning opportunities within each subject.

Contact Nazareth

For enrolment enquiries, please contact our College Development Office on:

(+613) 9795 8100

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